Cold Pursuit by Nancy Mehl – a review

For the suspense fan, few present the genre better than Nancy Mehl. This offering was not a disappointment – in fact, it was so good that I gave it away to a lady at our campground who was looking for a new, but good book!

The villain in our story is a young man named Brian. A young man with troubles: schizophrenia, synesthesia (a phenomena I find fascinating), abandonment issues, and seriously untamed and uncontrollable anger. Having known people with these conditions – his behaviours and issues are hautingly accurate and heart breaking. The fight between doing what is right and what all of his senses are telling him are riviting.

River and Tony are former FBI special agents, now launching into the world of private detectives. Their first case is a challenge and a trigger of River. You see, it’s terribly close to a case that was traumatic for River, and in this assignment, she knows the ending isn’t the one that her client wants.

There are a few twists and turns I just did not see coming and could not anticipate. I loved it! It made the reading all the more fun. As with all Mehl novels, the themes presented are timely. I particularly liked pondering the question of Brian—if he had not been abandoned by his family, regardless of his schizophrenia and synesthesia, would he have turned out differently? I always think about nature versus nurture.

Cold Pursuit would be a fun novel to discuss in a book club setting because of the many timely themes brought up throughout the story. Cold Pursuit is an excellent Suspense story. A great start to what promises to be another gripping and well-told series by Mehl. If you are a fan of Suspense novels, then I highly, highly recommend this story. You will not want to miss this book!

“Book has been provided courtesy of Graf-Martin Communications, Inc.”


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