Monthly Archives: June 2010

An extended Sabbath…

Resting from our normal, busy everyday routine was a God-planned event.  In fact, He so strongly believed in the idea, that it’s part of His “big 10”, that He gave to give order to our lives.  The plan was that we would take one day each week, and keep it holy – to let ourselves focus on His, and the goodness He brings to us.

Jeff and I recently got home from a wonderful 2 week holiday.  We took a driving trip to Canada’s East Coast (and a bit of Maine).  Each time we camped, with the exception of Baddeck, Ns, there was some body of water near us.  Each day, as it began and ended there was opportunity to marvel at the beauty God has splayed for us to enjoy.

We climbed passages that lead to amazing views of the ocean, we meandered down roads that had us catch deer and foxes and moose just doing their thing.  I (Jeff was concentrating on the road), saw 3 whales at 3 different times – just swimming along the Gaspe.  We saw eagles waiting for lunch to swim by, and a beautiful black bear cub out for a noontime play.

We celebrated communion with one friend in the Worship he was leading, and experienced the grace of hospitality with 2 sets of others.  We thanked God for His faithfulness as we sat at table with friends and watched 10 years of separation slip away…amazing how God can just take away those gaps of time!

Best of all – we were able to just be.  Something that often gets pushed aside in the day-to-day of ministry.  We were a couple who just enjoy being together.  Learning new things, discovering new places, having minimal agendas and loving being away.  And then, how satisfying it is to be soooo content to be home again.

After a long journey, and awesome experiences – to be in our own bed, our own chair and anticipating the things that will fill our next few weeks – felt good.  Not the overwhelming like it was before our extended Sabbath.  Yep, God loves us so much that He wants us to take a bit of time off each week.  And He wants us to recharge our batteries when we do so.  Then on holidays – it’s a deep charge.  I pray you experience that, and are safe as you do so this summer.

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Posted by on June 21, 2010 in Uncategorized